Group3D Class
Used to group Element3D objects.
More information available in parent classes: Element3D:Object
The Group3D class is used to group 3D objects, but it is also an Element3D object, which allows you to use all the positioning and orienting methods as any other Element3D object. When you add an object to a group, it moves and rotates with the group, but this is somewhat expensive, so using groups in this way should be done sparingly. The position and orientation of the grouped objects are updated to match the group when you call the Update method of the RB3DSpace control or when the group is drawn in a view. You can remove an object from a group either by its index or by the object reference itself.
See Also
Bounds3D, ColorList, Element3D, Light3D, Material, Object3D, Quaternion, TriangleList, Trimesh, UVList, Vector3D, VectorList classes; RB3DSpace control.